- Description: Snippets of code to demonstrate some physics and computer sciences fundamentals. Some of these code constitutes teaching material at the French naval academy.
"Bifurcation" models the bifurcation diagram of a chaotic system highly responsive to initial conditions (more info.: Bifurcation diagram). "Attractor" renders Sirpenski's triangle out of a strange attractor model (more info.: Chaos game). "Avalanche" simulate a snowy mountain landscape where skiers should avoid avalanches. This agent simulation takes the freezing level, triggering slope, skier density, temperature, etc. into account. "Force-directed" simulates a physical system to render a planar graph. In such system, vertices behave like repulsive magnets and edges behave like springs. The system iterates until an equilibrium states is reached (if ever) (more info.: Force-based algorithms). "Perceptron" implements a formal neuron; the atomic element of neural networks. Invented by Rosenblatt, F. in 1957, perceptrons distinguish between two linearly separable sets (more info.: Perceptron). "MVC" applies the Model/View/controller pattern to implement the dialog component of a software steering wheel (more info.: Model-view-controller);
- Technology: Java, Java/Swing, NetLogo, C++, GNUPlot (~1000 lines);
- Period: From 2006;
- Source code and ressources: Bifurcation, Attractor, Avalanche, Force-directed, Perceptron, MVC (a signal-based implementation of the same software with GTK+/GObject/Cairo is also available: